Colorado Wedding Ceremonies
Wedding Officiants for Your Simple, Traditional or Romantic Wedding!
Tara and Victor:
Telluride Technical climb in a wedding dress! Rev. Chris Mohr, Officiant. Tara wrote to Rev. Mohr and said, “Your voice is golden!
Honored to Officiate Your Wedding Ceremony!
Revs. Chris and Karen Mohr delight in officiating weddings at chapels, hotels, homes, banquet rooms, mansions and other wedding venues throughout Colorado! For elegant or simple wedding ceremonies and venues on a budget at your perfect Colorado location, you’ll find the help you need here. Colorado’s best inexpensive wedding celebrants can help you find a romantic banquet hall and vendors, or have a do-it-yourself cheap wedding. Wedding officiants Chris and Karen Mohr will provide one-on-one, face-to-face attention, offering bridal or wedding services, making your wedding day everything you want it to be. Minimize stress and experience a meaningful, heartfelt wedding ceremony. We’ll take good care of you! Revs. Chris or Karen Mohr offer free sample wedding ceremony example information for interfaith, traditional, nontraditional, spiritual, Christian, or secular and civil wedding ceremony options. Our wedding officiators can help you plan beautiful, meaningful ceremonies, personalizing your wedding vows if desired to make your wedding ceremony everything you want it to be. Elope, have a romantic destination wedding, a renewal of vows, or a small or budget wedding; we change the words to suit your occasion. We Care About You!! Phone 303-986-2022
Let us help you create your affordable wedding ceremony which reflects your personalities and beliefs. Choose the nondenominational Christian wedding ceremony option, Jewish, Catholic, civil, spiritual, traditional, customized or other ceremony ideas. ♥ Warm, Caring, Helpful, Experienced, Professional Wedding Officiants ♥ Free one-on-one meetings with every couple we work with ♥ Calming Presence, Our Honor to Serve You ♥ Ceremonies anywhere in the world ♥ Flexible, Creative as we Prepare for the Joy of the Day ♥ Gentle Sense of Humor ♥ Delighted to Create Your Ceremony as you envision it ♥ Free wedding videos uploaded to Facebook! ♥ Options: Unity Candle, Sand Ceremony, Blessing of Children, Wedding Rose Exchange, etc. ♥ Decades of volunteer experience in prisons, hospitals, hospices, drug crisis centers ♥ English, Spanish, or any language ♥ Interfaith welcome ♥ Beautiful, meaningful words touch you and your guests. ♥ Happy to run your rehearsal ♥ Long and lavish or short and simple weddings ♥ Affordable budget weddings that don’t seem like cheap weddings ♥ Baptisms available (even as part of your wedding!) ♥ Christenings, Quinceaneras, Memorials and other services available
Here’s a video from our YouTube collection, excerpts of Rev Chris Mohr officiating three weddings. If you’d like, Rev Chris Mohr can loan his tablet to one of your guests and have them videotape your wedding for posting on Facebook for all your friends and family… for free!
Fill out this Contact Form and you’ll get a free copy of “15 Questions to Ask Your Officiant.” Also leave phone number and wedding date and we’ll get back to you right away to set up a free visit. We can help make your wedding ceremony everything you want it to be, and we’ll keep it simple and beautifully heartfelt for you. We promise it will be the wedding you’ve dreamed of!

Here’s a friendly interview with Rev. Chris Mohr and Adventures in Dance instructor Holly Collins. Get to know Rev. Mohr better as he talks about “mistakes of the heart” at weddings, questions to ask officiants, and the wedding he did in a WWII fighter plane!
Yes You Can…
♥ Visit with us at no charge or obligation ♥ Customize your wedding or… ♥ Choose from our beautiful, simple ceremonies ♥ Add your own traditions ♥ Design a wedding ceremony that will also please both families ♥ Include a special blessing for any children or grandchildren ♥ Add options such as Unity Candle or Sand, Roses for Mothers, etc. ♥ Have a nontraditional or civil ceremony. Below: an interview with Rev. Chris Mohr

No We Don’t…
♥ …charge extra for optional ceremony additions ♥ …try to be comedians or be irreverent, even if we occasionally add a touch of humor to the ceremony ♥ …charge extra for pre-wedding visits ♥ …hire our ministers from Craigs List “we’ll-train-you” ads ♥ …have moral strictures or require church membership ♥ …have a single standard ceremony you havwe to use ♥ …try to get you to subscribe to any doctrine ♥ …require premarital counseling

Chris, Thank you so much for making our day so special. Your sermon was perfect – we watched the video so we could really take it all in! WOW! That is the neatest experience for both of us. Marriage is a true blessing. Thanks,
Check out our reviews at The Knot and at Wedding Wire! Plus Best of 2015 and 2016.
Affordable requested offering anywhere in Colorado or the world. Call 303-986-2022 for details. Couples are welcome to use information in this site for their wedding, but do not copy these ceremonies or other information here onto your own professional wedding materials. This website is copyright © 2015.